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Voyage Raleigh Magazine Feature

I am happy to announce my first (hopefully of many to come) magazine feature on Voyage Raleigh Magazine!!

Voyage Raleigh Magazine is a platform that highlights the extraordinary life stories of everyday folks, told in their own words. Their mission is to build a platform that fosters collaboration and support for small businesses, independent artists and entrepreneurs, local institutions and those that make our city interesting. They do this by interviewing local entrepreneurs, creatives and community leaders. I was asked to be one of the local entrepreneurs in Raleigh, to be featured in their Inspiring Stories series.

I was absolutely elated at the idea of being approached to be interviewed and featured. Of course I jumped at the opportunity! I want my story to be as inspiring as other stories that I have read on my journey. Thank you to everyone who has supported me thus far! It means so much. Share this article far and wide!

Check out my interview by clicking the picture below.

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